Sunday, July 21, 2024

still here...

 you may h ave noticed that I don't blog much these days.  The posts would get very repetitive.

Having days that are very samey if fine with me, but makes for uninteresting reading.

Actual. new things:

   They have finally finished doing all the random street work around our neighborhood.  Six blocks south and 5 blocks west is another story...those will be ongoing for a while.  So, even though we don't get woken at 6am by tractors revving up for the day, we stilll can't get there from here easily.

We had replacement windows installed in every one of our 33 windows.  After 14 years of literally being able to feel the wind come through our patio door joints, we decided it was time to do something permanent about it.  After all, plastic sheetinng taped down with Frog Tape isn't very fashionable even if it mostly works.  Our cooling bill has already gone down, which, in this heat, is saying something!

My smocking guild chapter is having a three day retreat this week.  I'm heading to the hotel tomorrow so I don't have to get up and drag my husband out at the crack of rush hour on Monday.  I'll be working on that same reticule that has been mentioned before.  With some intensive work, I should be able to have it done by Wednesday afternoon, or at least close to done.  We'll also be doing some group work on our charity gowns for the SAGA wee-care program.  

Lest I forget to mention it: the Great Window Replacement Project of 2024 required all furniture and things to be moved away from the window.  This means I was forced to spend several days shoving boxes and bags around in The Rooms.  There is clear floor!  Not much is actually organized, of course, but I can see my way clear to doing that.  First step will be putting the curtains back up as they're currently in the middle of the north room floor. I did manage to throw away a lot of "why?" items, get my scissor collection mostly in one place and fold a lot of fabric neatly into bins.  Patterns will likely be sold- I seriously do not need 120 child-sized patterns, many of which are so similar that I can likely alter just one basic pattern to produce any of them. 

Look!  Carpet!

   Clearing things away from the windows has also given me complete access two 1.75 of the guest room walls.  I may finally paint in there before we hang the curtains back up. 

Time for beddy-byes.  The Hubby is on new medication that makes him a bit dizzy and I might have to drive him to a massage appointment at 9am.  I am not good with any am earlier than 11. 


1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am reminded of Terry Pratchett's Watch, whose Commander is "allergic to a day with two seven o'clocks in it" (may not be an entirely accurate quotation, but the sentiment is!