Sunday, November 5, 2023

Not so Stitchy


Once again, I've lagged off from blogging.   Partly it's because I haven't done much worth blogging about.  I'm still vaguely attempting to clear out the sewing room enough that I can work up there...but this is much like saying one is "going fishing" when all one really does is pick up a stick and poke it at the water occasionally.  There is so much stuff up there that it sucks the motivation out of me the minute I park my chair.

My chair? you may wonder...  Last spring the arthritis in my knees got bad enough that climbing the stairs was so painful as to be nearly impossible, so we had a stairlift installed all the way up to the sewing room.  This made is a 4-flight run with 4 u-bends.  It was spendy.  I love it, and it's the only reason I've been to the 3rd floor sewing room at all in the past 15 months.

Gardening has been pretty much out of the question because i can only stand for about 10 minutes, and when I bend, my right knee does this weird and uncomfortable shifting thing that makes me think I'm going to fall.  Don't even think I can get down on my hands and knees!!  (I have, once, about two weeks ago to plug in a lamp.  I still have the bruises and swelling) 

  I had a three week course of hyaluronic acid solution injections, but it doesn't seem to have helped much. I also got these sort of monster-looking knee braces that are difficult to put on and which I can't drive in, so they don't get worn often.  I should wear them more, at least around the house.  The few times I have worn them I felt as if it was easier to walk, and I was definitely more stable on my feet. 

I do hope to do more sewing soon, or at least some sewing.  A friend has offered to help me in the sewing room - I mostly need someone to be legs for me and take things from point A to Point N - so I may take her up on that.  I bought kits to make 12 Days of Christmas ornaments a couple of years ago and would like to get that project at least started this year.  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I hope things start to improve for you soon!