The past two days were sunny and mild, so the ground is thawed out enough to be workable. This afternoon I'll be attempting to de-root some new crown vetch growth in the front-side bed that took me days to weed last fall. If that doesn't wear me out I'll do a bit of rototilling in the back yard. Phil put together one of the new galvanized steel raised beds I've bought to replace the breaking and rotting wooden ones. The new beds are a foot deep as compared to the 6" of the previous ones: I may have to buy some new soil to fill them up as the existing soil has compacted a bit. Tilling will fluff it up some, but not enough.
The trees here are greening up nicely. My forsythia have tiny buds ready to bloom, and the lilac has also started to produce some buds. I'm looking forward to seeing that lilac bloom this year. (I do wish we had a window or two on the east side of the house!) I pretty much missed it last year as I forgot I had it!
Once the rest of the weeds have been cleared from that bed I'll be adding some tulip and crocs bulbs, sprinkling alyssum and wildflower seed in an attempt to crowd out the weeds, and planting a few leeks, scallions and basil just to make things interesting.
The mint bed, which is supposed to have several varieties of herb, is a mess. I've been contemplating moving the blue hydrangea from a shady corner of the yard into the center area. It will get more sun and be more visible there. It certainly isn't too happy where it's currently planted!
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