Tuesday, September 10, 2019

SAGA Convention 2019

           Just one week until the beginning of the 2019 Smocking Arts Guild convention!

   I have had my hair trimmed and got a pedicure and manicure, so that's my body ready- mostly.
I'm still fighting the rash I developed from getting into what was probably poison sumac and am fairly sure it will be at least another three weeks before that has completely healed.
  I am never weeding again. 

   My class supplies are (mostly) gathered and (mostly) organized.

   I've tried on all my jeans and chosen the four pair which fit best to take along.  I know which tops I'm taking, and have an outfit ready to wear to the banquet and opening reception.  Kit fees are sorted into individual labelled envelopes ready to hand to the Teacher Angel in my classes.  That will be myself in two classes, unless another person volunteers for one of them on the day. 
  I don't think I've been this prepared this early before.  Usually I'm doing laundry until 10 minutes before it's time to get into the car and head to the airport. 

   This year I will be repeating a class on using a smocking pleater.  I don't pleat often enough to remember all the little tips and tricks, so this refresher should do me some good.  I'll also have a nice clean pleater at the end of the day, and that's never a bad thing.
   Second day is a class called Duckling Delight, in which we will pleat a bishop style top (see, there's yesterday's class coming in handy already!) and do some picture smocking.  The kit includes fabric to make coordinating pants for a complete 3 month size outfit. 
   On Friday I will be making a porcelain pincushion doll using pleated embroidered lace for the skirt, smocked with variations of the Van Dyke stitch. Lady Gwendolyn is a lovely little accessory for my sewing room.  I will have to be sure to finish her!
  Jeannie Baumeister will teach her class how to reproduce a lovely linen baby bonnet that is adorned with fine embroidery, french laces and hemstitching on Saturday.  I love baby bonnets!  They don't take a lot of fabric, but they give one enough of a 'canvas' to practice some pretty stitching and techniques.  They're easy to finish, and sweet to display. 
   Finally, on Sunday morning I'll be making a little pair of baby sandals from pima cotton.

If you're interested, you can read about these classes and more on the SAGA website: www.smocking.org .   Look for the "saga convention brochure" link in small blue print. 

1 comment:

Rachel said...

You are well prepared! Have fun..!