Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ah, March.  How I love you.  The robins are back, there are plants poking hesitant new growth up out of the still cold soil.
  I  have a lot of sewing to do this month, not the least of which are some cute little sewing caddies our new Pittsburgh web-based SAGA chapter is donating as table favors.
   Last week I submitted my artisan points for verification, which means I'll also be working on not one, but TWO artisan project submissions.  The Smocking category is fairly small- a couple of pleating samples and a smocked sample.  The Fine Hand Sewing category has 14 different bits to be submitted, though, so I'll be hand-stitching like a mad thing.  I'd like to get them in the mail by mid-April so I have plenty of time to re-do anything that needs tweaking.

  My husband's younger half-sister is getting married (finally!) in May, and we'll be making a trip over to the UK for the wedding.  I'm really excited about that!  The wedding will be in Gloucestershire, but I suspect we'll do a bit of traveling to see some UK based friends, as well.  I wouldn't mind catching up with my friend Dylan- it's been ages since I've seen him.  A visit with another friend, Misty, is a must- I was in her wedding, and she is one of my best friends Evar!

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