Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Well, Hmmmmm-

I follow two blogs from V and E Historic: a pattern blog and a costuming blog.  Recently, the pattern blog seems to have been taken over by a commercial travel enterprise.  I have no interest in this, but can't figure out how to remove  it.  I also can't contact the previous owner to find out if she is aware of the situation.  When I try to access VandEHistoric Costuming, I get a message that I'm not permitted to view that blog.

In other news, my husband posted this commercial to his G+ account today, and since I have a few Kiwi readers, I had to share:     There's more information at the link, but I thought it was quite clever.


Ineke said...

Go to the 'thing' on the right side of your reading list in the bar. Click and it says 'manage reading list'. Click on 'settings' of the blog you want to remove. Sign in on your Goolge account 9again) and then you get a pop-up screen with the option 'stop following this blog'. I hope this works for you.

Kathy said...

Well, that was complicated, but it worked. Thanks, Ineke!