Friday, November 6, 2015

I haven't updated for ages because for the most part I've been living in a lather/rinse/repeat mode of Physical Therapy, yard work and household crap.

Several weeks ago, my therapist determined that I wasn't actually getting any better.  He put me on a 6-week hiatus from professional PT with a caution to keep up my range of motion exercises.  At the end of the six weeks I went in for another evaluation and was at just about the same degree of "well" as  before, so he officially discharged me from therapy.  No use charging the insurance company for something I can effectively do on my own, after all.
    Wednesday I went in to see my surgeon for his evaluation and when I presented him with my dissatisfaction with my level of movement he said that he's glad I have as much as I do.  Because of the amount of damage done to my shoulder joint there is not a lot of bone holding the tendons to the prosthetic humerus, which means there isn't a lot of strength there.  It was discouraging to hear.  That afternoon I went to the club where I'd been having my pool PT and joined- it's more expensive than my membership at LAFitness, but the pool is deeper and warmer, they have a whirlpool spa and I can unofficially check in with my therapist from time to time.  I went in and worked through my exercises today and did some deep water work.  So far, I feel better.

In September I made a dress for my great-great niece to wear to her little sister's baptism.  It has a fully smocked front bodice, silk ribbon embroidery, and some lace trim.  Doing all that smocking made my arm ache, but at least I know I can still do it.  The ggn was more entranced with the sticker I put on the tissue paper, but her mother was thrilled with the dress.

  Next up:  a baptism gown for a co-worker's baby and a presentation outfit for another friend's

In october I attended the third of this year's Smocking Arts Retreats.  It was held in Valley Forge, so I was able to drive and took machine classes.  (HA!  I don't think we used our machines for more than a half hour in the 2.5 days of class. *sigh*)  I learned a few great tips and had a nice time with my stitching friends.  4 of our 5 members attended, and EACH of us won a basket  at banquet!  Mine was from the Chesapeake Treasures chapter and included the book Sewing for a Royal Baby and all the fabrics, trims and tools needed to make one of the projects.

  Not a great picture, but I'll add more when I do the project.  I'll also try to post more often now that I'm sewing again.  
